Enrolment Information & Process

“I am the way, the truth and the light no one shall come to the Father except through me” John 14:6

Our Catholic School has the wonderful privilege of serving our Parishes of St John the Evangelist and St Peter Chanel. Christ is the foundation of our Catholic School where we

weave together our Faith and Cultures so that we can live our lives to the fullest and be the best “ME” I can be. Enrolling your child at any Catholic school in New Zealand requires the same support and commitment from parents, namely to support their child's faith and learning journeys by sending them to school every day. At our school, our learning

Programmes, Policies, Processes and Governance are all supported by our Catholic Special Character.

Starting a new school is a very exciting time for whanau and learners. If you would like to enrol your child at St John the Evangelist Catholic School we have a process that needs to

be followed. This helps all learners transition to school in a timely and effective way.

Enrolling a child in any school in New Zealand is a legal process, therefore, it is important that our school process is known, valued and adhered to. This ensures that the enrolment

process for families is a smooth transition. In order to best be prepared for arranging classes and teachers, we request pre-enrolment notification of any pre-schooler starting

school - preferably 12 months in advance . 

This is done by downloading the enrolemnt pack or telephoning  /visiting the school office to receive an enrolment pack. In order for your enrolment application to be

successful, we also require:

● A completed School Enrolment form, signed by the parent/caregiver.

● A Completed Catholic Diocese Enrolment Form

● A completed Preference Form signed by the Parish Priest. 

● If Preference Criteria 5.1 applies a copy of the baptism certificate is required

● Original birth certificate - copy will be made at the office

● Current passport if the child has one (original required, to be copied by office).

● For those children holding an overseas passport (we need to view both the students and parents passports plus residency/student visa notices).

● Immunisation certificate.

All documentation is required before an enrolement meeting with the Tumuaki / Principal can be organised

5.4 Preference Aplication Process

Enrolement Process_.pdf
2025 Updated Enrolment Information for Parents Seeking Enrolment at St John the Evangelist Catholic School Under the Education & Training Act 2020.pdf
2025 Enrolment Form.pdf
SJTECS Enrolment Documantation Checklist_ (2).pdf